--- 2025 ---
Kobayashi Y, Sato M, Uchida K, Mori AS (2025) Misalignment between ecologically rapid and economically optimal forest restoration designs. Forest Policy and Economics, in press.
--- 2024 ---
Inoue KS, Nakatsuji K, Koyama S, Kobayashi Y, Yoshida T (2024) Ant utilization of tree trunks in relation to environmental factors in a temperate forest. Acta Oecologica, 125: 104039.
Nakatsuji K, Kobayashi Y, Yoshida T (2024) Microtopography and vegetation generate uneven predation pressure on forest insects. Acta Oecologica, 125: 104031.
Dollinger C, Rammer W, Suzuki KF, Braziunas KH, Keller TT, Kobayashi Y, Mohr J, Mori AS, Turner MG, Seidl R (2024) Beyond resilience: Responses to changing climate and disturbance regimes in temperate forest landscapes across the Northern Hemisphere. Global Change Biology, 30, e17468.
Fuse S, Yoshida T, Kobayashi Y (2024) Effects of artificial night lighting on a web-building spider species in urban green spaces. Acta Oecologica, 124: 104017.
Thom D, Rammer W, Albrich K, Braziunas KH, Dobor L, Dollinger C, Hansen WD, Harvey BJ, Hlásny T, Hoecker TJ, Honkaniemi J, Keeton WS, Kobayashi Y, Kruszka SS; Mori AS; Morris JE; Peters-Collaer S, Ratajczak Z, Simensen T, Storms I, Suzuki KF, Taylor AR, Turner MG, Willis S, Seidl R (2024) Parameters of 150 temperate and boreal tree species and provenances for an individual-based forest landscape and disturbance model. Data in Brief, 55: 110662.
Iwasaki Y, Suemori T, Kobayashi Y (2024) Predicting macroinvertebrate average score per taxon (ASPT) at water quality monitoring sites in Japanese rivers. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 31: 28538–28548.
Shinohara N, Kobayashi Y, Nishizawa K, Kadowaki K, Yamawo A (2024) Plant–mycorrhizal associations may explain the latitudinal gradient of plant community assembly. OIKOS, e10367.
Naka M, Masumoto S, Nishizawa K, Matsuoka S, Tatsumi S, Kobayashi Y, Suzuki KF, Xu X, Kawakami T, Katayama N, Makoto K, Okada K, Uchida M, Takagi K, Mori AS (2024) Long-term consequences on soil fungal community structure: Monoculture planting and natural regeneration. Environmental Management, 73: 777–787.
--- 2023 ---
Kobayashi Y, Haga C, Shinohara N, Nishizawa K, Mori AS (2023) Dominant temperate and subalpine Japanese trees have variable photosynthetic thermal optima according to site mean annual temperature. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 32: 397–407.
--- 2022 ---
鈴木紅葉, 小林勇太, 高木健太郎, 早柏慎太郎, 草野雄二, 松林良太, 森 章 (2022) 知床国立公園の森林再生地における林冠構造の評価:適応的管理の視点から. 保全生態学研究, 27: 283-296.
岩崎 雄一, 小林 勇太, 末森 智美, 竹下 和貴, 梁 政寛 (2022) 日本全国の河川における水質測定地点(環境基準点)の物理化学的特徴の整備とそれに基づくグルーピング. 水環境学会誌, 45: 231-237.
Kobayashi Y, Seidl R, Rammer W, Suzuki KF, Mori AS (2022) Identifying effective tree planting schemes to restore forest carbon and biodiversity in Shiretoko National Park, Japan. Restoration Ecology, e13681.
--- 2021 ---
Suzuki KF, Kobayashi Y, Seidl R, Senf C, Tatsumi S, Koide D, Azuma WA, Higa M, Koyanagi TF, Qian S, Kusano Y, Matsubayashi R, Mori AS (2021) The potential role of an alien tree species in supporting forest restoration: Lessons from Shiretoko National Park, Japan. Forest Ecology and Management, 493: 119253.
小林 勇太, 堀内 颯夏, 鈴木 紅葉, 森 章 (2021) 日本の主要樹種75種の樹高と胸高直径の関係. 日本森林学会誌, 103: 168-171.
--- ~2020 ---
Kobayashi Y, Okada K, Mori AS (2019) Reconsidering biodiversity hotspots based on the rate of historical land-use change. Biological Conservation, 233, 268-275.
Kobayashi Y, Iwata T (2017) Nitrogen and phosphorus dynamics in a large river estimated by an in situ Lagrangian tracking approach. Freshwater Biology, 62: 1997-2007.
Kobayashi Y, Mori AS (2017) The potential role of tree diversity in reducing shallow landslide risk. Environmental Management, 59: 807-815.